Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sleepless in Virginia

Happy July 4th!!

I'm sitting in bed, rocking the glasses so my eyes don't hurt, while Sean and snoring semi-lightly next to me. I cannot believe that it's already July, this year is just flying by. Being in the DC area for the 4th should be this huge occasion, but it is so hot, I'm tempted to hole myself in my air conditioned bubble (aka my apartment) and just watch movies and read all day. That may happen as well... We'll see.

This week was a whirlwind after going home and seeing the Boston gang. Having a couple of my friends from home down the weekend before last, then getting to go home last weekend, I've realized how much I miss home. I feel so unsettled, mostly because this just doesn't seem like "Base Camp". Base Camp is what I've been labeling the place that we are ultimately going to end up, right now we're just kinda hiking around, but I'd really like to get to the general region I'd like to live in and really make a concerted effort to make some solid career choices there. My personal goal is to make it back to New England, so we'll see how persuasive I am ;)

In other news, I'm just plugging along at work, and I had my final in-class session for my summer course, so now it's up to me to write my paper... My goal is to not being a HUGE procrastinator, so we shall see. I'm really excited about going on vacation to Maine in just under a month :) Last year with Sean and his family at their house near Bar Harbor was unbelievable. I can't wait to kayak, drink a lot of adult drinks, and just relax in the quiet and child-less atmosphere that it provides. I think going on a vacation that didn't include children of any kind (other than myself) was probably one of my favorite parts. Apparently all of those family vacations have jaded me.

I've been debating about what to do with my 101 list. I haven't been writing much and I certainly haven't been doing much for it (other than keeping track of all of my books in the page above). I'm wondering if I should try more, just let the time run out on its own, or what. I have a year from today. Wow... I can't believe it's already been 1.75 years since I made the list. Crazy! Well I'll keep you posted.

Have a tremendous and safe July 4th! What are you up to this long weekend?


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