Sunday, May 17, 2015

Back at it

Happy Monday

It's the wee hours of the morning on Monday, but I just haven't been able to sleep. I have been thinking a lot about this blog and what I should do with it, as I've been so absent. Well, I've decided to actually devoting some time to writing here, since I'm officially done with grad school! Graduation this past Friday was wonderful! Especially with my family and Sean there to witness it. 

So now that I'm free, I've been thinking about what the next step looks like. I won't be heading back to Boston for at least a year, and my 101 list is winding down, the final day is July 4th this year. So how will I wrap it up and continue on? That is the question. 

My goal, currently, is to start really focus on my personal growth, emotionally, physically, financially, and career-wise. In order to do that, I've decided to find some words that I want to feel I embody and can use as inspiration for this growth. Courage, strength, authenticity, love, happiness, relaxed, jovial, encouraging, determined, open, flexible, and receptive. Those are the traits I'd like to emulate and I will.

So here's to an exciting new step, that I'm hoping to reveal right here. 

<3 E

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