Monday, December 29, 2014

Home again

I know that it's been a while since I've been here but I finally finished graduate school and I couldn't be happier!!! I'm finally back in Massachusetts, having come home for Christmas. This is where I have been dying to be for so long now and as I sit in the Social Security office parking lot waiting for my boyfriend to finish paperwork and dealing with the atrocious line inside, I just realize how much I love it here and I am so meant to be here. I'm currently reading Lena Dunham's book and she has this one section about the 10 reasons why she loves New York and as I sit there reading it I just realize that that's how I felt about being in Boston the other day. Even though all of my belongings are in Virginia and it's the only apartment I've ever had as an adult, home is still in the Bay State. 

Now that school is over and I'm finally feeling like a normal human being again, or at least a human with a manageable stress level, I and looking north. I'm so ready to be back among the familiar, among the places and people that I love. Even from a really young age I knew that I would leave Boston/Massachusetts, but I also knew that I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Home is where the heart is and I wouldn't want my heart anywhere but here.


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