Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Positively Wonderful

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

So every Tuesday and Thursday I sit and read from PositivelyPositive.com. It's such a great site, I love the fun concepts and ways to live a more fulfilled life. Today, I came across this article about how to live your life fully without "ruining" your life. Not only did I find the topic interesting, but it also really made me think about what I want for my life. I read a group of about 6 blogs regularly (HollyWouldIfSheCould.net, innerteub.com, amerrylife.com, BenDoesLife.tumblr.com, TheMilitantBaker & lifeoflacey.blogspot.com) I love them each for their own special reasons, but one is how each gives me a very different view of how to craft a life that you love.

I grew up in a household run by my amazing Mom, who is a hardcore Type A, and my Dad, who is slightly more laid back. So I just figured that a lot of the things that occurred in my home, like all the cleaning (CONSTANTLY), or the yard work, or cooking, just kind of happened. Now that I'm living on my own, I realize that not only did I have a great upbringing, but man does it take work. My apartment is tiny, but I cannot keep it clean for the life of me (probably because I live with another human being who isn't so hell-bent on an organized apartment). My life is very different from that of my parents, and it's leaving me feeling a little lost. I have so many different options that I'm kind of dumbfounded. So that's why I immerse myself in these blogs, in these people's lives, because I want to know how other people do it, how other people live.

Which makes me really think about the direction I want my life to go in. Before I got to Virginia, I felt so stuck, I was hurting and lost in my life. So I made this crazy life change, now I'm not sure what my next step is, or really, how to stay where I am for a little while and enjoy it. Part of that is because I am constantly looking ahead, but part of it is because I'm homesick. I miss Boston, there is no way around that fact. That's where all of my family is, so it's making me chomp at the bit to be done with grad school and run home. I'm feeling as if this is a pitstop in my life and I'm getting sick of waiting here without everyone. I keep thinking about how Thanksgiving break and Christmas break are when my life is really happening. I need to change how I look at my life right now, and that's kind of where I am, just trying to figure everything out, without worrying about how I'm going to figure it all out. That's a terrible problem of mine, the worrying. I'm trying to just let things happen. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing person. I just started reading your blog and find it refreshing. And, by refreshing I mean - you are a young woman in your 20's. You shouldn't have life figured out yet. That is why people live so long - to try to figure it out! Take your own path, not that of your parents, amazing aunts (ha ha ha!), or even characters in books/movies. You'll figure out your life as you live it. And LIVE IT TO THE HILT! Love you. ~Ellen
