Happy Faux-Monday! Tuesdays that pretend to be Mondays are pretty much terrible, except by the time you get to Wednesday you realize how many days until Friday, and life suddenly seems worth living again right?!? I have to say the fact that it is a "cool" 77 degrees in DC is making it INCREDIBLY hard for me to believe that it's September. I'm used to New England, where some years we've already broken out the parkas at this time of year. But this continued heat is unreal. It's supposed to be 90 later this week, as in 90 degrees Fahrenheit!!! This is not the middle of Summer, this is SEPTEMBER and I really expect it to start acting like it soon, cause I want nothing more than to go shopping for some Fall clothes and get the chance to wear them before Christmas! (End of rant, I promise.)
I'm currently sitting in a quad at GW waiting for a good time to go to my GTA (Graduate Teaching Assistant) class, where I will sit awkwardly through 75 minutes of advanced Mass Comm lecture that I have very little interest in or knowledge of, but at least I'm getting paid! I always seem to make it to this class incredibly early which is quite the accomplishment for me. But as my graduates studies are mostly focused on reading right now, I have a lot of interest in writing, just not anything to really do about it. So, here I am!
I had a good weekend overall, there were definitely some not-so-awesome moments, courtesy of my unshakable belief that I must be perfect, but also because the Boyfriend's parents are set to arrive in DC this Saturday. While I'm thrilled to see them, it has been a little daunting trying to get the last of my pesky boxes unpacked and put away. Plus, the Sean has been working so much that I've had to do a lot of the house maintenance alone while trying to juggle school stuff. Being at home all the time all alone kind of sucks. But this is the week that I get things accomplished! That I finally tie up some loose ends so that I can enjoy this weekend, while also being super-prepared for Monday classes.
Also causing me a lot of stress: Thursday is my first time really teaching!! I have an hour Thursday morning where I have to teach a lesson on WID (Writing in the Disciplines) and I am nervous as hell! So hopefully tomorrow at my meeting with my fellow GTAs for the course we can come up with a definite plan and I can scrounge up some confidence to attack this Bad-Larry.
Well I'm off to class, I'm definitely going to try to make regular appearances here while my course load is relatively small.
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