Friday, May 24, 2013

Thoughts on Running, Dreaming, and Achieving

Happy Friday!!

As I sit on a bus, waiting to go to work, I've been reflecting about this past week. There have been some incredible achievements, like running 4 miles two days in a row, and some definite lows. But what really strikes me, is the 2.81 mile run I did Monday. Sure, it wasn't the whole 3 miles my training guide suggested (that's just what happens when the loop around your neighborhood is less than 3 miles.) but it was a very important training run. See, my big goal for 2013 has been to run a half marathon, I've been saying that since October of 2012. And Monday, I debated whether I wanted to even go for a run. It was a tough decision, especially when the alternative was sitting on my behind watching tv in the comfort of my living room. But I did it, I got up, put on some workout clothes, and hit the pavement. And that was officially my first training run for the half marathon in July. 
Since Monday I've run two consecutive days, 4 miles each time, which is the farthest that I have ever run, in my life. And tomorrow, the training guide calls for 6. That is going to be life changing. 6 miles, running, without stopping or napping. I am going to be one sore chica. But I am also going to be so proud of myself. 
See, it's not even my training that is amazing me, it's the high leftover from my parents surprise party that is doing this to me. That was me making a long-term goal and fulfilling it to the absolute best of my abilities. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but nothing in this world is. And I've been working very hard to accept that truth. So this half marathon training is merely a continuation of my achieving things that I had dreamed, but was never quite sure I'd accomplish. I am a runner. I am also a badass (in my own Elizabeth kind if way) and I love that. I love how much my confidence has improved these past few months. I finally feel like I truly love myself. And that is (almost) 24 years coming. So now, I'm going to revel in my successes and enjoy a nice restful Friday night out with the boy and some friends. 

Have a great weekend!

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