Monday, May 20, 2013

Always Coming Home

Happy Monday!

So the past few months I've been MIA and I know you're thinking, "surprise, surprise". Well I went over to tumblr, and while I loved the ease of uploading random stuff from my iPhone, I just missed the feel of a "real blog", I missed this place. So I've decided that this is where I need to cultivate my blog, where I need to be. So I'm going to include a link to my tumblr, so that there won't be any inconsistencies. What I am also going to do is update my 101 list, because I made a few changes based on what is going on in my life.

My 101 list has been happening at a significantly heightened rate lately, and not by design, which is pretty exciting in and of itself. But Saturday night was my big one. Saturday night was #96, my parent's surprise 25th Anniversary Party. And they had NO IDEA!!! It was fantastic. So naturally, I slept all day yesterday after running on pure adrenaline the past few days, weeks, and months. So there is going to be a whole post about it, but not until after my photographer sends me some pictures!!

Also, after seeing some of my family's pictures of myself, I decided that I was done putting my health and my weight on hold. I think the great thing about coming to that realization was that the decision to start watching what I eat and become more active wasn't born from a place of hate, but a place of tremendous love for myself. I just don't think I realized how large I've let myself become. I never realized how little I took care of my body until I started really listening to it a few months ago. So thile there were a few bumps with me trying to start my day working out, I did at least stick with eating something healthy to start my day:

And yes, that is a spoon, and it was a pain to eat sausages with a spoon. But in the effort to conserve resources, I sacrificed my comfort for the greater good of my dishwasher. So now, on to make my day off from work even more productive! As I will have to return to work tomorrow :( bummer...

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