I'm Little Miss Overachiever today huh? 2 posts one day… crazy!
So I've decided, after writing my last post, that it's about time that I tackle some of my 101 list, specifically: #99 Go 30 days without Facebook in a ROW (0/30).
I have been living solely for the Internet, for my friends and family back home, not because I post all day long or anything, but because I'm losing myself to the Internet. I've become that person that drives people crazy, I "like" everything, as if to remind people that I'm still around, I'm still alive, and gosh darn it, I want to feel like I never really left Massachusetts! So, yeah, that needs to stop.
When I started my 101 list, I began doing things that were fun, but that sometimes were based in making me feel uncomfortable, and this is definitely something that is going to do both of those things. I need to start really participating in my life here in VA. (Fun fact, participating seems to be the term I use most often when discussing this move, because I just don't feel like I'm participating, so much as things are just happening to me.) And with that, I'm totally missing the point of moving 500+ miles away from home. So, you may see me around these parts a little more often, or I may just disappear from the Internets altogether, we shall see. But don't worry, my phone still works!! I love phone calls! And Texting! Please don't leave me alone… :)
So see ya later Facebook, like, see you again December 13th… maybe.
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