Yeah, not very big or intimidating, just more of a giant pain in the butt because we've only been in that apartment for about a month. So after running around, waking up Sean and getting him to help, I made myself some coffee and cereal, then starting watching season 2 of Sister Wives. I just felt so burned out. Mostly because I spent Friday and Saturday literally doing nothing of importance and Sunday almost ALL DAY I did my homework. I am still procrastinating, and I'm getting better, but this is a 15ish year problem, so I'm just going with the theory Rome wasn't built in a day, and that allows me to sleep better at night.
In other news, Sean and I finally decided to figure out the "Smart" portion of our "Smart TV", yeah it took all of 10 seconds for us to hook up to the wifi, so that was kind of saddening that it took us so long to finally make the decision to just try. Then, we got Netflix! 1st month free! And now I have no will to move from my couch. Which is a serious problem. (Hence my giving up on homework this morning in order to watch Sister Wives. [And yes, Sean is thrilled that I'm addicted to this show... Ha!])
I am just starting to feel incredibly overwhelmed, which explains my complete lack of motivation Friday and Saturday. It's been a strange adjustment being so far from home. Especially because Saturday was my Mom's birthday, first one without her own kids being home for it. So because the NE Patriots had a 1 o'clock game that wasn't being televised locally I brought Sean to a local bar that shows all of the games and I spent the afternoon in a nice, quiet, and completely comforting apartment. Since Sean has been having a hard time getting the job thing going, we've been spending a LOT of time together. So this little reprieve was fantastic. I got a lot of reading done, plus laundry, and I got to just enjoy the silence. That has been part of my moody problem for the past few weeks, not only do I miss my friends and family, but I also missed the time I got to be alone at home. I'm alone constantly when I'm on campus doing office hours (like right this very moment) but being able to do it while I'm in my pj's and enjoying my still warm cup of coffee is just tremendously comforting. It always takes me so long to realize what I need. I generally have a rough time figuring out what I need to function and to thrive, so when I have these mini-epiphanies it is phenomenal. Even when it is the same epiphanies over and over again.
So my goal this week is to continue to get myself situated academically, as well as continuing to figure out what I want and need to thrive here. True to form I found a pin that describes what I'm feeling perfectly, so here it is: