Monday, June 17, 2013

Getting Back Into It

Saturday we buried my aunt, it was a beautiful service and ceremony but it was so utterly heartbreaking. She died Wednesday morning, luckily enough my whole family was warned about how quickly she was declining, so we were all able to say our goodbyes. Now, however, we have to figure out how to move on, how to wake up and go to work not worrying about who is going to be with her during the day, or night, or at various doctor's appointments. I have to figure out how to take my lunch break without having my lunch buddy, because I was lucky enough to spend time with her everyday she was in the hospital. I cherish those days I was able to distract her from her disease, from her chemo treatment, or her latest surgery. I was so fortunate enough just to watch her sleep in the Emergency Room, never mind getting to help her with her book of word searches. Diane is going to be so greatly missed and the road towards healing is going to be arduous. But it's what she would want. I know that wherever she is, she's watching over me, wanting me to go to DC and rock graduate school, so that's what I'm going to do.
Auntie Di last year on her birthday.

Sunday was my brother's high school graduation party, and in honor of that, here is a lovely picture of my brother:
Classy stuff right here.

So Sunday was the first time that I saw my family for a happy occasion in quite a while. And I tried to make the best of it (and I think I did a pretty awesome job if I say so myself).

Oh cakes with embarrassing baby pictures, how I love thee.

So Sunday was a tremendous success, a real reason to celebrate and be happy. I'm so proud of my younger (once-upon-a-time shorter) brother. While I know it was definitely hard for all of us to eat, drink, and be merry without remembering the events of the past week, we did pretty well. But then again, only our family can have a big, loud, happy (ish) wake, (it's a gift really).

So now it's Monday, it's time to face the music and my stupid desk. But I'm here, and I'm going to work hard, not just to distract myself, but because now is the time to get'R done! In about 6 weeks I will no longer be an employee here and I'll be on my way up to Maine for a nice vacation before I move to DC. That is not a long time at all, so it's now or never to get myself situated and on to GWU. So wish me luck! and I'll try to keep you all updated. :)

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