It's just another snowy day in New England... in MARCH!! Which means yes, I was 20 minutes late to work, how did you know!? Haha, oh well, hopefully Spring will actually be here soon!
So these past few days I've been reading, "You Are an Ironman" By Jacques Steinberg and Whoa man, it is so inspiring and just way too interesting to put down. I am definitely feeling myself coming out of my reading funk that I've been in lately, which in itself is a great feeling. But what I'm loving about this book right now is how inspiring it is, this story about these weekend warriors who decide, for their own individual reasons, to sign up to compete in the 2009 Ironman Arizona (IMAZ). These people have families, jobs, you know, lives, but are still putting themselves through these unbelievable challenges of strength, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I don't think I can say enough how incredible it is.
What really struck me, was that they are just normal people, they are creating their own lives and allowing IMAZ to be a large part of that. I have officially run 1 race so far, I ran, and completed, a 5k last June as part of my 23rd birthday celebration, it felt so good. It was this beautiful Summer day running along the beach in South Boston, proving to myself that I can train and work for something, and achieve my goal. Going through school I wasn't much of an athlete, I definitely wanted to be, but I did other activities and just let me health be whatever it was. After I graduated from high school I started running, and I loved it. I would get up and work a 6-2 shift at McDonald's, then I'd go for an afternoon run. I was doing about 2 miles, which was something that I never thought I would achieve. Then I went to college, death with my Arthritis, and eventually, after I graduated from school, I found running again. Generally I run the most during the Summer and Fall, because Winter in New England is not a pretty picture (if today isn't evidence enough), and I do get bummed out about that, I want to be able to get in better shape, get rid of some of this excess weight, compete in some races, and build the life I want. I know weather is just an excuse, and so is work and any number of other things that impede a workout regiment, but soon I'm going to be shaking up my life even more and moving, beginning this whole new chapter, this whole new book! But for now, I want to enjoy what time I have left here with my friends and family, I want to put myself to the test and compete in some races where I will be able to have my friends and family present. I want to share all of these things while we still have the time. So even though it is nasty outside, after work I'm going to go to the Y, work out, let my stress go, and focus on my goals. Who knows, maybe someday I'll have my sights set on an IM too...
<3 Elizabeth
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