Friday, September 12, 2014

Welcome to the Minutia

I've been thinking about this place a lot, this little patch of the internet that I like to write in. Even though I haven't been around much, it's never left my mind for long. I do a lot of blog reading, and by a lot I mean I read about 6 or 7 blogs consistently, I check them almost everyday and get excited about reading what their lives are like. Between babies and engagements and life in general, these women that I read about are really busy and not writing constantly. This has lead me to wonder what makes me keep going back? It's my fascination with their lives. I love the minutia of it all. I have come to realize that what I love most about reading in general is learning about the little stuff, I love the lives of the people or the characters that I'm reading about. It's not about the person, it's not about the plot, it's about the magic that resides in-between character and plot.

I've also done a lot of thinking about my own writing, and how I'm afraid of a lot of things, one of which is having my writing read. It's not that I don't want to live out loud, it's that I'm afraid to do so. Or, have been afraid to do so. So I don't want to be afraid, I want to write about the silly stuff in my day and stop worrying about how people feel about it. If you don't like it, don't read it. (But seriously, I hope you like it and stick around!)

So that's why I'm back, to write about the things that I've been thinking and experiencing, because I have just as much right to this little space as anyone else. Be prepared to be underwhelmed with the day to day stuff that rattles around the ol' noggin.

Part of my fear about this whole opening up thing is because I don't have a niche. I'm not a mommy, or even a wife yet, so that knocks me out of a huge category of bloggers (...nor am I a daddy blogger). And as much fun as I have running, and I do, dear god have I missed running something fierce, I am not a weight-loss blogger by a long shot. I am in desperate need of working on my physical form, but my efforts are currently being focused on finishing my Master's Degree in December (a whole semester early!!) and working full time. I'm pooped just thinking about working out after a day at work and class.

Around these parts I've just been doing a whole ton of reading for school. I'm loving my classes this semester, I'm taking  Literature and Medicine, it's focusing mostly on mental illness in Lit. I just read Maus I, which was sad but a tremendous read. For those who have never read it, it's about the author's father's experience as a Jewish man in Poland during WWII. But it's a graphic novel (like Persepholis, which I read in college and LOVED) where the Jewish characters are mice and the Nazis are cats. I'm also taking two 20th Century Lit courses, one is British and the other is American. The British one is focused solely on Virginia Woolf, while my American Lit course is focused on post-soul, or post-civil rights Black American writing. So far for those courses I've read Mrs. Dalloway, Jacob's Room, and Drinking Coffee Elsewhere (by ZZ Packer).

I really enjoyed the Packer, as it was a collection of short stories that would be so engaging and then just when the story is climaxing, the tale would end. It was like falling and love and being heart broken over and over again. But I kept going back for more!

Tomorrow I'm off to finish my reading for the week and to celebrate my friend's birthday out in DC. I'm hoping to get some pictures to share. Have a great weekend! And please share some of what you're reading, I need more titles to finish for my 101 list! It's taken me about 2 years, but I'm at 51 titles now, hopefully I'll be able to read my brain out over the next 10 months to finish the list! <3 E